Our theme for 2024 is A World Beyond Affordability, focusing on the additional benefits and implications of open educational practices beyond cost savings for students.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our 2024 Summit!

The presentation recordings from this year’s conference are available at this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A9KWpUf4Tq4ZxIYrEMkINTYs9tmr0dCJ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117453607108012464630&rtpof=true&sd=true. To view a recording, scroll to the session name you wish to see and click on the YouTube link provided. A new page will then load.  

Please note you will also be notified when final recordings and presentations are uploaded to the UMass Amherst Institutional Repository. This process will be completed this summer.

Our 2024 Keynote Speakers

Jennifer Jordan

Jennifer Jordan is the Open Educational Resources (OER) Librarian in the office of Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication (DISC) at the University of New Mexico. She is also an assistant professor at UNM and a writer. During the 2022-2023 school year, she served as an Open Education Fellow through the Open Ed Group. Currently, she is the principal investigator on a grant program funded by the Department of Education, which is tasked with developing the first OER Consortium in the state of New Mexico. Before working at UNM, Jennifer developed strong experience with creating and adopting OER, including serving as a Presidential Fellow in Central New Mexico Community College’s OER Initiative where she co-created the English department’s open source textbooks, currently used in multiple English courses. Jennifer writes scholarly and creative work. Her writing has been published in numerous journals and sites including Open Praxis, Creative Nonfiction, In the Library with the Leadpipe, Cutbank, New Mexico English Journal, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Sonora Review, Ascent, and This American Life. She applied her creative writing skills while structuring, rewriting, revising, and re-envisioning OER materials for her students.

Jess Egan

Jess currently serves as a Senior Learning Experience Designer with Western Governors University, in addition to supporting the Remixing Open Textbooks with an Equity Lens (ROTEL) grant across multiple public colleges and universities. Her professional journey has included teaching English as a Second Language, K-12 English, Adult Basic Education, and college-level composition. Jess has worked with Open Educational Resources (OER) for nearly a decade and has contributed to the creation of over 200 courses using OERs with a maximum price point of $40. As an OER author, course designer, and teacher, Jess infuses intentional content alignment with a focus on assessment and equity-focused teaching practices. She believes strongly in leading with an equity lens and prioritizes DEI, accessibility, UDL, and decolonization within OER remixes and creations.


Our Timeline

Proposals due Friday, February 2, 2024
Notifications of acceptance Sunday, February 25, 2024
Program available Monday, March 18, 2024


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